Childbirth prep

Childbirth preparation courses

Citra Natarajan gives Hypnobirthing Classes and Child birth Classes at Praktijk DOM. Chitra also gives Childbirth Preparation Courses for Expats and other English speaking parents-to-be. The course is from 19.30hrs to 22.30hrs.

Feel free to contact for updates or a privat course


Some of the topics covered include:

  • What to expect with the health system in the Netherlands
  • Prenatal bonding & positive womb experience
  • Active stages of labor, What happens in your body and when to call the midwife/hospital
  • Different types of breathing for contractions & pushing stage
  • Pain management & ways to cope with labor
  • Partners involvement in pregnancy, childbirth & postpartum
  • Pain relief possibilities
  • Various positions for birthing
  • C-section & vacuum delivery
  • Skin to skin contact & breastfeeding information
  • Referral to other important websites & courses
  • First weeks after childbirth & bonding
  • Postpartum blues & depression
  • Any other questions

* The costs of the course may be reimbursed from your health insurance. ACCESS, however, bears no responsibility for this process. Please check with your insurance company for details yourself.

Registration can be done by signing the form at the ACCESS website or with Chitra